Below are the awardees of seed money grants for 2017 and their research titles

  • Dr. Careen Hankanga, School of Veterinary Medicine;- A Seroepidemiolocal Survey of the Zoonotic Parasite, Toxoplasma Gondii in Selested Domestic Animals, in Lusaka, Zambia.
  • Prof. Imasiku A. Nyambe, School of Mines: - Characterisation of Selected Springs in Zambia, Sources for Clean Water and Medicinal Health.
  • Dr. Lavina Prashar, School of Medicine: - Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting in the Private Health Sector in Lusaka.
  • Mr. Hendrix Chalwe, School of Agricultural Sciences:- Predicting Economic Yield Losses and Pre/Harvest Aflatoxin Accumulation Associated with  Drought Stress in Groundnuts.
  • Mwansa Kaoma and Isaac Simate, School of Engineering:- Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Waste from University of Zambia’s Animal Section.
  • Dr. Liberty Mweemba and Nonde Pauline, Agricultural Land and Food Environments at Crossroads in the Urbanising of Lusaka. Towards Placing Food Systems on the Urban Agenda.
  • Dr. Sody M. Munsaka, School of Health Sciences:- Blood and Brain Biomakers to Evaluate the Neuropathogenesis of HIV Sub/type C Project Narrative.
  • Dr. Chibamba Douty, School of Natural Sciences:- Assessing Urban Expansion in Lusaka City, 1984/2014 Implications for the New Urban Agenda and the 2013 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • Dr. Chanda Tembo, School of Law:- The Ownership Status of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Developed by ZAMSEED, Assessing the Implications for Public Seed (R&D) and Food Security in Zambia